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Hey Baby - The Boston Globe

Harassment is a serious matter - Boston Globe letter to editor

Catcallers beware! Women "holla back" at street harassment

WMBR 88.1 FM Cambridge What's Left 8/6/2006
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Getting Touched on the T - The Northeastern News

Ms. Magazine: Shooting Harassers With Cell Phones

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  • Holla Back TALK is the academic, critically engaged arm of Team HollaBackBoston which focuses on the deconstruction of street harassment and the social norms that enable sexually violating speech and behavior.

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Suspected Subway Pleasurer Arrested

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Keep your hands (not) to yourself

Guy on T tonight:

I see you. I have my head down, hands on my face because I have a headache, but I can see and hear you. You and your friend keep talking about "bitches", but I find that about a third as disturbing as the way you keep grabbing your piece every three minutes. Yes, I see your penis. Around 50% of the population has one. I am not impressed.

Stop waving your junk around behind the mesh separating us and either take a shower or grow up. I don't need to be reminded of you and what you can do with that thing. I just want to go home.

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