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Hey Baby - The Boston Globe

Harassment is a serious matter - Boston Globe letter to editor

Catcallers beware! Women "holla back" at street harassment

WMBR 88.1 FM Cambridge What's Left 8/6/2006
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Getting Touched on the T - The Northeastern News

Ms. Magazine: Shooting Harassers With Cell Phones

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Suspected Subway Pleasurer Arrested

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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Walking on green

I was walking on Friday with a good friend from around the Chinatown/Boylston T stop area to Kenmore. We wanted to walk and talk after dinner downtown so made our way along the T path, above ground, and we would eventually go our separate train lines home from Kenmore.

Multiple times, particularly along Boylston street parallel to Newbury, we were accosted. Once, a man with a cup asking for money literally cornered my friend while I scooted out of the way. She got away, but not before having him get in her face and physically block her path.

We also ran into a variety of male post-game Sox celebrants who thought that because we didn't move off the sidewalk that they were completely taking over, we were worth all sorts of demeaning names. My favorite was the simple but loud "WHORE!" we got after passing an enormous group of guys who practically bumped us into the busy street.

Maybe I should be used to it by now, but I never quite get over how unwelcome men make me feel in my own town.

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